Flat dies machines for screws and special threads - multifunction with pointing machine and rotary unit
Flat dies machines for screws and special threads - multifunction with pointing machine and rotary unit

The machine described is a multifunctional machine capable of performing many operations on special parts. Specifically, it performs a first operation of chamfering or pointing fol lowed by a first rolling and then a final rolling of the screw. All the operations preceding pointing, such as assembly of one or more washers, are performed by units that are positioned in such a way that, as they can be shifted to the side of the machine and by-passed with extra guides, they make it possible to pass from production of special screws to production of normal screws.
The versatility of this machine enables our clients to achieve the maximum productivity and exploit the latest progress in the evolution of “Fasteners Producers”.
Technical features
Approximate values. The machine speed can change according to the material used and the type of item to be rolled. Measures in mm.
Rotary unit RP12
Output capacity
min 60 ÷ max 220
Screw diameter
min 6 ÷ max 12
Thread length
min 15 ÷ max 95
Max length of under head shank
Standard tool sizes
216x190x80 Sp.36,5
Total power of motors
HP 20
Approx net weight
Kg. 5450
Dimensions machine
Machine sizes with hood for total soundproofing
A 4120 B 1020 C 2590 D 753,12 H 1630
Roll machine RS12
Output capacity
min 180 ÷ max 220
Screw diameter
min 5 ÷ max 12
Thread length
min 5 ÷ max 60
Max length of under head shank
Standard tool sizes
Total power of motors
HP 15
Approx net weight
Kg. 2200
Machine Sizes
Machine sizes with hood for total soundproofing
A 4120 B 1020 C 2590 D 753,12 H 1630
Pointing machine SM3
Output capacity
min 180 ÷ max 220
Screw diameter
Min length
Max length
Machine sizes with hood for total soundproofing
A 1830 B 1603 C 1410 A 1830 H 1980